Surfers are catching on. It’s getting crowded out there. For example, Outside Magazine’s Ben Yeager nailed it when he wrote, "If you build it, surfers will come." Of course, they will. It seems like every day there are more and more surfers in the water. This is happening at your home break and your favorite surfing spot abroad. As the sport of surfing grows, and as lineups … [Read more...] about Hyper Demand
Outside Magazine
Media Library
Nearly a generation after its demise, First Peak still finds itself in the media. First Peak’s rich history in the media helps keep the vibe alive. Of course, you can still surf along the north side of the north jetty at First Peak, but the magical wedges no longer exist. We’re hoping to change that. In this collection of posts, we’ll go back and pay tribute to some of our … [Read more...] about Media Library